Why am I standing?

Why am I standing as a unitary councillor for Winslow?

Diana Blamires - Independent voice for Winslow

Winslow needs an independent voice

It faces the threat of overdevelopment with the new East-West railway potentially attracting hundreds of housing applications. With political focus on Buckingham and Aylesbury, who is speaking up for Winslow?

I will.

Winslow faces parking issues

I’ve helped reduce the cost in Market Square from £1.70 to 70 pence on Sundays but there are further pressures on parking with the railway opening.

Health, education and transport

There’s also a need to fight for infrastructure improvements in health, education and transport with an independent voice.

I am known as someone who challenges and pushes for change

  • I fought for £5m extra for potholes in the budget, alongside another councillor, and it was agreed.
  • I called for traffic improvements in Wing, where I am a councillor, and a roundabout is being rebuilt to free up traffic flow.

With me, you will get a candidate who will put Winslow first

The 2025 United Kingdom local elections will be held on 1st May 2025.